Don’t Chance it… Test It!



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We Make Sure Your Pallets Flow

Mallard Pallet Flow TestCareful product testing and analysis have become the Mallard hallmark, bringing peace of mind to our customers and validation to our design team that your Mallard pallet flow system will get the job done.

Many factors affect the reliability of a pallet flow system, including pallet type and quality, product load, weight, and load distribution.  We recreate your operating environment, as closely as possible, in our Engineering Testing Lab and evaluate the proposed lane design using your pallets and simulated load.  We then test flow rates, pitch, pallet quality, pallet spacing, and speed control.  We can also conduct system comparison testing to evaluate the performance of various product types using your load criteria, i.e. magnum pallet flow vs. skate wheel or full roller pallet flow using GMA style wooden pallets vs. plastic, etc. – It’s your call.

Once testing is complete, you receive a detailed report and video of the testing.  Check out our Video Testing Gallery

Take a ride with us – If you’d like to see a Mallard pallet flow system in action, we’ll arrange a tour of a customer installation.  You can see for yourself how Mallard gravity flow systems have helped companies like yours save space and improve productivity.

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